
The Landscape screen can be found under the Insights screen. The landscape feature enables mapping out various brands as they rank for various metrics that the platform is able to track. The tool is especially relevant for competitive analysis, and can be focused on specific terms or general metrics.


The Landscape tool

This screen helps in giving a more comprehensive review of a brand compared to its competitors. pick the X axis and the Y axis, for metrics ranging from overall engagement to sentiment, association strength to social engagements. By choosing specific metrics you can focus on the reviewed brand weaknesses/strengths, and portray a business image by combining different aspects.  

There are 8 score sets to choose:

Association – choose a term/phrase that for example a brand would like to be associated with.  This can be defined either by association index, association skew and association strength. This could be applied in reverse – for example, choosing seed interests such as "pharmacy", "fresh food", "clothes" etc., and choosing

Consumption – the brand's consumption score.

Negative/positive sentiment -  the brand sentiment score. Same as in the sentiment screen.

Net sentiment – this metrics measures the overall sentiment expressed towards the phrase/brand. Ranges from mostly negative to mostly positive.   

Social engagements – the phrase/brand's social engagements score.


Landscape tool actions



See Also:

Consumption Trends





