
The Associations screen can be found under the Insights screen. It displays a list of the strongest associations to the seed interest, and compares the strength of the association with the other seed interests. For example, if the seeds are ‘Orange’ and ‘Grapefruit’, the strongest associations may be ‘Aroma’, ‘Tangerine’, ‘Fruit’, and ‘Citrus’. ‘Citrus’ may be more strongly associated with ‘Orange’ than with ‘Grapefruit’, and this difference in association strength is shown.

Associations can be either suggested, based on popular and relevant terms, or pushed by the user in order to inspect specific terms. You can select, or deselect, multiple Suggested Associations at once.

To the right of the association bar chart are the Content Drivers, the content items that contributed to the association of the seed interests.

The Associations tool

The index score given to each associated phrase is relative to the seed interest. There are four score sets; consumption, skew, Strength and SOV.

Consumption: the consumption score represents how often a phrase is read together  with the seed interest, compared to other displayed phrases. The displayed phrase with the highest co-occurrence with the seed is goven a score of 100.

The score is calculated based on the number of content engagements in which the interest and association are consumed together.

This view enables you to benchmark different associations based on their consumption with the seed’s context.

Skew: the skew score shows the extent to which the seed interest is over indexed within the association compared to within other associations. That means that every seed score is calculated compared to the reference score of the specific association.

Strength: The association strength reflects the tendency of the seed and the phrase being viewed together as opposed to separately. 100 means they are always viewed together, 0 means they are never viewed together.

The score is calculated based on the number of digital content engagements in which the interest and association are mentioned together, relative to the consumption of all the content in which either the interest or the association appear.

Use this tab to surface related themes with high relevancy with the seed interest.

 SOV: The Share Of Voice score measures how often a seed interest is consumed together with the seed, and gives its relative share out of the total consumption of the tested seeds.

This score can provide a competitive understanding and is mainly useful within comparing cases.

Tip: Type in the seed as an tested association, and as it would be scored 100. Then the rest of the association index scores would equal to their share of consumption out of the seed’s consumption.

To understand the difference between the consumption and strength scores, consider the following example:

For example, if your seed is 'Lexus' and the association you are interested in is 'Luxury' then 'Luxury' would have a high index score because it appears with 'Lexus' more than most other associated interests. At the same time, 'Luxury' would have a low strength score, because it appears independently of 'Lexus' most of the time (you will find it associated with hotels, resorts, cars, fashion, travel, etc.).          


On the other hand, 'LS Hybrid' would have a high strength score because, as a Lexus model, it will almost always be associated with 'Lexus'.

To see the association trend over time

Association Trend graph

Association tool actions


See Also:

Consumption Trends





