
The Sentiment screen can be found under the Insights screen. It displays consumer sentiment towards your seed interests – positive, negative, or neutral.

The Sentiment tool

The system searches sources for words and phrases indicating the audience sentiment towards the seed interest. Since these sources include social networks (such as Twitter), web pages (such as blogs or articles that contain comments) and other sources the Sentiment section provides a good indication of audience’s feelings towards the seed interest.  In addition, when analyzing sentiment of an interest in web content, only the paragraphs that mention the interest are taken into account. This improves the accuracy of the sentiment calculation of web content.

You can filter the sentiment screen by topic (calculate sentiment of sources of the select topics) by geo (calculate sentiment of sources from selected countries) and by channel (Video or Social).

When filtering the sentiment screen by channel, choosing the Social channel will let you see which content drove the positive and negative sentiment related to the seed interest.

The sentiment of the seed interests is displayed in graphs (the same as the Consumption Trend graphs), one graph for each seed interest. The graph displays the consumption index by date (see Consumption Trends), and is divided into three distinct areas, by color:

Sentiment tool actions


See Also:

Consumption Trends





