Key Trends

The Key Trends  feature displays high-velocity interests and trending stories, regardless of any seed.

·   Use Key trends to discover concepts with rising interest in a set time frame.
For example, use Key Trends shortly after a major event takes place, to target highly trending concepts in short time frames.

·   Use side filters in order to surface Key Trends of a specific channel, topic or audience.
For example, see what is trending in the field of Sports to align your brand with sport-related content.

      How does it work?

The key trends surfaces interests that are trending in relation to the selected filters (ie time, topics, audience, channel), based on their consumption velocity.

Key Trends are displayed in yellow as a separate cluster of bubbles, in addition to other clusters of seeds on the screen. Once displayed, the Key Trends cluster is like any other cluster of trending interests, including velocity, content examples, etc.

Note that unlike Trending interests for a seed, the Key Trends presents only interests with rising consumption.

How to display the Key Trends:

At the top of the Discovery screen, turn on the Key Trends toggle. Click the toggle once again in order to turn it off and hide the key trends.


See Also:

Trending Interests

Content Streams

Channel Insights


