Channel Insights

The Channel Insights displays the Discovery screen data in a table format. This allows a longer list of associated phrases and also shows more attributes per phrase.

The Channel Insights screen is especially useful for creating and editing targets. During campaign planning, you need to decide what to target. The Channel Insights screen helps you to select what to target by discovering trends that are related to your campaign theme (for instance, phrases with the highest velocity, highest volume or best score) and save those trends as Targets.

The displayed attributes are dependent on the selected channel. For instance, if the Web channel is selected in the filter, the Channel Insights shows the total score, volume, velocity, topic and specificity score for each phrase.

If the Twitter channel is selected, the Channel Insights displays the number of mentions per day, the number of retweets, the relevancy score and the sentiment. In addition, the Twitter channel can also display different output types of social media related interests such as hashtags, influencers, audience and emojis. Each type is shown with relevant attributes (for example, the sentiment isn’t shown for influencers but the number of retweets, followers and the Klout score are).


Targets are channel-specific. A target for Web holds only phrases, while a target for Twitter holds phrases, hashtags, influencers, audiences and emojis..


The Channel Insights view

To open the Channel Insights view

  1. At the top left of the Discovery screen, click the Channel Insights button . To return to the Trending Interests view, click the Trending Interests button .

  2. In the Channel filter and select either Web or Social to view information from web or social media sources (see Filtering the Discovery Display for further information).

Net Sentiment

The Net Sentiment column in the Twitter channel display, measures the overall sentiment towards a phrase, @handle or #hashtag, when mentioned with the seed interest.

The Net Sentiment is scored according to:

For example, if content that mentions the phrase and seed is mostly positive, the Net Sentiment score is high.

Roll over the Net Sentiment of a specific phrase to see the percentage share of positive and negative interactions, and a sentiment tag.

The sentiment tags are "Mostly Positive", "Slightly Positive", "Controversial", "Indifferent", "Slightly Negative" and "Mostly Negative".


Audience Skew

A phrase that is generated in BI can be over-indexed differently depending on the consumer audience. The Audience Skew column enables the user to better understand how different audiences are over-indexed towards the phrases in the table. A drop down menu above the column, enables the user to choose the Audience and display its skew.



Additional Channel Insights Actions:

Clicking a phrase opens the Content Drivers pane to the right of the grid. The Content Drivers pane displays select sources that are driving the phrase. Click on a source to open it in a new window.

Check the checkboxes to the left of the phrases you are interested in. A statistical analysis is displayed at the bottom of the grid including the average score and average velocity of the selected phrases, and the number of mentions per day (if the Social channel is selected in the filter).

Click on a column’s header to sort the grid by that column. Click once to sort in ascending order, twice for descending order, and a third time to revert to the original order of the grid.

Above the grid, click Phrases, Hashtags, Influencers, Audience or Emojis to view each of these output types.

Use Relevancy when you wish to focus on campaign efficiency metrics, and Scale when you wish to focus on a more intensive exposure.


Facebook Metrics

When choosing the Facebook channel, one can use these two metrics to each Facebook interest:


To create a target

  1. Click New Target and a pop up window will open, enter a name for the new target and click Done. The new target name replaces the 'No Target Selected’ and a message pops up informing you that the target was created successfully.

  2. An alternative way to create a new target is to choose phrases from the phrases table and click Add to target. This will open the new target pop up window.

  3. To add phrases to a target, select the required phrases in the phrases table by checking the checkboxes to their left and click Add to target. The phrases will appear in the target pane on the right side of the screen.

  4. To delete phrases from the target, click the 'x' button on a specific phrase in the target pane or click Clear all on the bottom of the pane.

5. To Load an existing target, click on Load target at the bottom right corner. the load target window will pop up. This window enables you to manage your targets by editing or deleting them.

6. To activate the target, click on Review and activate. The review and activate window will open in which you can edit the target and activate it.



Web Channel Attributes

Twitter Channel Attributes