Settings Screen

The Settings screen is where you can define or edit your programs and other Brand Intelligence settings, depending on your authorization.

A Program is typically centered around a campaign, a certain marketing effort, an event, or for ongoing monitoring of a certain theme. A program in Brand Intelligence has several applications:

To select another program click the program’s name at the top of the screen and select the required program from the dropdown.

To open the Settings screen

To add a program

  1. In the Settings screen, click in the upper right of the screen. The Program Setup popup opens.

  2. In the Program Setup popup, edit the program according to the following list:

  1. Click Save to save your changes.

To edit your program

  1. In the Settings screen, click the Edit icon  to the left of the program you want to edit. The Program Setup popup opens.

  2. In the Program Setup popup, edit the program’s name, main interest, and key interests as needed.

  3. Click Save to save your changes

Additional Program Actions


If the program is shared, then a confirmation is required before deleting the program.


See Also:

The Dashboard