Discovery Screen

The Discovery screen shows what has been trending in the chosen time frame (from one hour up to three months). It displays trending concepts that co-occurred with the searched interests in bubbles, and the size of the bubbles indicates the amount of consumption of an interest.

For example, if you entered the interest ‘Orange’, the Discovery screen may show bubbles for ‘Juice’, ‘Orange Bowl’, ‘Breakfast’, ‘Network’, ‘vitamin C’, and other interests that are frequently consumed together with ‘Orange’ in online sources (such as articles and tweets).

If you enter more than one interest, each one appears in the interest bar with a different color, and the associated phrases of each one are displayed in a separate cluster of bubbles with its seed interest’s color. For example, you can enter a product name and see what people consume along with it. Or, if you enter an event as a seed  interest, you can see what’s trending with the event. These trends can help you in two ways:

Information regarding additional Discovery Screen actions you can use to enrich your insights, can be found here.

To open the Discovery screen

See Also:

Entering Seed Interests

Refining the Interest

Filtering the Discovery Display

Discovery Screen Actions