Entering Seed Interests

The Discovery interest bar contains the interests (words or phrases) that you want to examine. These are called the seed interests. You can enter up to seven seed interests in the Discovery interest bar at once.

To use the interest bar


·        You can use the auto complete dropdown to help select an interest. The auto complete list is sorted based on consumer interest in the relevant terms, so the 1st auto complete suggestion garnered the greatest consumer interest in the current discovery settings.

·        The program’s refined interests are displayed to the right of the auto complete dropdown, and you can select one of them as well.


Interests in the interest bar stay consistent throughout the Brand Intelligence screens. Changing the interests in one screen will change them in the others too.


When using the Social channels filter, you can type in a @handle, and the auto complete dropdown will let you choose between posts of the handle or mentions of the handle as a seed interest. You will be able to get insights related to the handle’s own posts, such as their most used phrases, hashtags, and the audiences that engaged with their posts.

For example, use this capability to conquest your competitor's voice:

See Also:

Discovery Screen

Refining the Interest

Filtering the Discovery Display